What is digital marketing and how can you learn it comfortably in 2022? This post will help you find the fastest way to learn it and the best resources.

Fortunately, many free and paid online resources can help you build the skills you need to become a modern digital marketing professional.

But before we learn anything, we need to know what it is and how to learn.

What is Digital Marketing?

Basically, it’s a marketing element. The advertising of products or services using digital devices and internet channels is digital marketing. Namely – Search engines, social media platforms, mobile applications, etc. You can also call it internet marketing or online marketing.

With internet marketing, you can find the target audience and their interest in your brand. Contact them and nurture them until you become a customer.

The most important types of online marketing are – Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Email Marketing.

How to Learn Digital Marketing?

To become a successful internet marketing specialist, you need to develop the skills required to work with all online marketing strategies.

In addition, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge so that you can combine them to achieve the best possible outcome.

It takes hard work, patience, and enthusiasm to know it. But the good news is, you don’t have to go to a specific college to learn it.

There are various internet marketing training institutes in Kolkata and India where you can take training.

You can also learn online marketing for free from Google, YouTube, SEMrush, and Moz at home.

To better understand digital marketing, you need to specialize in the following zones:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Email Marketing
  • Internet Marketing Analytics Tools
Learn SEO

1. What is SEO and How to Learn it?

SEO is a very integral digital marketing strategy that ensures your website ranks on the first page of SERPs (Google, Bing, etc.).

It helps in getting traffic from search engines and making a better user experience.

Therefore to learn SEO, firstly you have to understand its goal.

Every business has different marketing goals but they all share the same intention of boosting revenue.

One of the main processes of search engine optimization is keyword research.

So, you have to master keywords that elevate your website’s ranking.

Remember that there are different types of keywords and you have to search them well.

You can check the market demand while doing keyword research.

After it, You have to complete the rest of the SEO work which results in your website being easy to find.

Such as content audit, heading tags, and technical aspects of your website.

You should also learn how to craft SEO-optimized blogs. As the content of the website plays a vital role in ranking.

And lastly, you need to learn how to earn backlinks. They indicate how trustworthy and useful your website is to search engines.

Many courses are running online or offline across the world that teaches everything about SEO. So, you can enroll in one of them and learn about it.

Learn Search Engine Marketing

2. How do You Learn About SEM?

The object of SEM is somehow the same as SEO, but there has a main difference between both.

In SEO you have to rely on organic search strategies that are free of cost.

While SEM relies on paid advertising to promote the visibility of a site in search engines.

In search engine marketing, you will be able to build profitable advertising and campaigns that drive traffic and generate revenue.

There are a number of ways to learn SEM, one of them is by reading blogs and staying up to date with the trends and latest techniques of it.

The best thing is that blogs are free to read and contain a lot of valuable information that can help you with many digital marketing strategies.

You can also consider taking offline courses from a recognized college or university.

They cover all the aspects of digital marketing and provide in-depth knowledge.

So, it is one of the best ways to learn SEM.

There are many live webinars and online training programs available.

You can sign up for one of them and learn SEM from professional trainers.

But if none of this works for you then you can learn by yourself directly from Google Skillshop.

Learn Content Marketing

3. How to Know the Essence of Content Marketing?

Each online marketing campaign is based on content. Whether it’s SEO, social media marketing, or email marketing, content is required to reach and attract your targeted users.

It includes creating and distributing quality and relevant content to generate sales.

In other words, it’s a long-term strategy that aims at building a strong relationship with the customers.

To become a strong content marketer you need to know the vocabulary, copywriting skills, and analysis skills.

So, if you want to learn content marketing then you should for a digital marketing course as they will cover it all.

In order to make sure that your content marketing strategies are doing well, you have to produce organized content and also run A/B testings from time to time.

And don’t forget to keep up with current marketing strategies.

Lastly, I would suggest you sign up for a course rather than learn it by yourself.

As in the course, you will be able to learn different aspects of content marketing such as lead generating strategies, how to use A/B testing, etc.

After all, it is a very powerful tool that helps grow your business or career.

Learn Social Media Marketing

4. Learn the Value of Social Media Marketing (SMM)

I think everyone agrees that it’s hard to imagine this era without social media nowadays.

Social media has dominated our life perspective and digital marketing.

Since the object of internet marketing is to connect your potential audience with the mediums of their choice.

And here a new form of marketing was born and that is social media marketing.

The objective of SMM is to find your audience and build relationships with them through various social channels.

Facebook is the highest engaging social network with over 40 crore active users in India.

To start learning social media marketing follow Facebook online courses (Facebook Blueprint). Here you can learn all prospects about Facebook paid ads.

Also, try to use all the big social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Linkedin.

Do remember that now visual content is far more powerful than a written one. So, use informative images while posting on social media.

Moreover, social media can be super beneficial when done right.

Therefore try to think out of the box with ideas that are completely different from your competitors.

This way you will create an excellent impact on your target audience.

Learn Email Marketing

5. What is Email Marketing and How is it Done?

Email marketing is not over yet. It’s still an effective way to convert users into customers and extant customers into recurring customers.

As well it helps build trust and develop strong relationships with customers.

To better learn email marketing, it is very important to know what email marketing is and its basics.

Get knowledge in different components of email marketing: Newsletters, Announcements, and Events.

To run email marketing campaigns successfully, it is necessary to include the right kind of content.

You should learn about the best email marketing automation tools and their use. Some of the best email marketing tools are Mailchimp, Sendinblue, HubSpot, etc.

In addition focus on segmentation and other metrics that will help you analyze the performance of email marketing campaigns.

When you learn it, make sure understand the value of email marketing follow-ups.

For an in-depth understanding of it, you can also join a digital marketing course. I believe it is included in the right course.

Learn Internet Marketing Analytics Tools

6. Practice Internet Marketing Analytics Tools

Every successful digital marketer should possess analytical skills to achieve the target.

That’s why know details about internet marketing analytics tools. You can learn it from different websites.

Google also offers training through the Analytics Academy to help people understand data analysis by using different tools and techniques.

There are also many analytics tools available online that contain software that helps you track the performance of your campaigns.

If you learn how to utilize these tools properly, you will accomplish the best results in less time.

To explore all the internet marketing analysis tools, one should take an online course.

Remember data analysis tools like Google Analytics, MixPanel, etc are the best friend of every successful marketer.

Without these tools, you will not understand what is working well and what is not. So, learn about internet marketing tools from the best source only.

Digital Marketing Learning Tips

Digital marketing is the most result-driven industry if one knows everything about it.

There are also some extra skills that you need to develop to become successful in this industry.

So, let me give you some life-saving tips to learn digital marketing.

  • Start from scratch: The best way to master digital marketing is by starting from the fundamentals. Get to know the basics and learn everything step-by-step
  • Learn from professionals: When it comes to learning digital marketing, it is important to watch how professionals do it. Know about their methods and strategies and apply those
  • Learn without rushing: Don’t rush into getting all the knowledge in just one day. Have patience

Learning digital marketing is not a very difficult task. You can learn it now while sitting at home and succeed in work life.

But it takes a lot of practice to learn how to apply the components for maximum results.

If you want to know more about this, please comment.

Ramen Das

I am a Digital Marketing Teacher and SEO Consultant. Contact me for any queries about Digital Marketing and SEO.


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